We offer the largest range of period style reproduction chairs in the country, and sell to customers at factory prices.
Our replica chairs are reproductions of chairs that are made to look like how they were built in a specific period of time in history. They are hand-built and crafted with great attention to detail to ensure that the period chairs look as authentic as possible. These chairs are made using traditional techniques and materials to ensure the most authentic period chair reproductions possible.
Our reproduction chairs are made to resemble chairs from various historical periods such as the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Georgian, Victorian, and Art Deco periods. Some of our chairs feature ornate carvings, intricate details, and luxurious fabrics that were common in their respective periods.
Please browse our listings of newly crafted, hand-built old-fashioned period chairs, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions
Now £225.00
Now £270.00
Now £247.50
Now £225.00
Now £297.00
Now £270.00
Now £310.50
Now £315.00
Now £310.50